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v1.1.1 August 20th, 2024​

New in the Activity​

New dedicated search screen with artists and albums!

new search filters
new artist results
new album results

Easier Queuing​

You can now double click a song to add it to the queue. No more precise plus button clicking!

Content on Rythm​

~20M+ new tracks were added to Rythm.
Updated 20+ radio stations with new tracks.

Fixes for Rythm​

FIXED: Search result spacing issues.
FIXED: Inconsistent "No results" notification when search brings up nothing.
FIXED: The client no longer spam retries when attempting to join a full session and instead gracefully exits.
FIXED: Radios with broken tracks.
FIXED: Liked songs returning 404s.
Plus a ton of other miscellaneous fixes and improvements.

Next on Rythm​

Expanded Rythm song library.
Improved search results.
Expanded user profiles.
More updates for the Rythm iOS and Android apps.