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Command List


Although Rythm works as a Discord activity, you can still use the slash commands of the Rythm bot. They will act as a remote control for the activity!

Click the button below to add Rythm to your server or install Rythm directly on your user so you can use them everywhere.

rythm app profile
/help - Shows guides on how to use Rythm.
/play <query> - Plays a song or adds a song to the queue.
  • If the queue is currently empty, Rythm will immediately play the first result found. Otherwise the track will be added to the queue.

  • play-command
    /search <query> - Searches for a song.
  • Aliases: /search, /s
  • Click on the dropdown and choose a song to play the song or add to the queue. You can also click on the ⬅️➡️ buttons to change pages.

  • search-command
    /radio <query> - Starts a radio for your current session.
    /join - Joins a Rythm session.
  • Alias: /start

  • join-command
    /nowplaying - Displays the current playing song.
  • Alias: /np

  • nowplaying-command
    /queue - Shows upcoming tracks in the queue.
    /like - Adds the current song to your Liked Songs list.
  • Alias: /save

  • like-command
    /pause - Pauses the currently playing song.
    /resume - Resumes the currently playing song.
    /skip - Skips to the next song in the queue.
    /account - Shows information associated with your Rythm account.
  • Alias: /me

  • account-command
    /stats - Shows the server's listening leaderboard.

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