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As you are using Rythm you may come across buttons or icons you aren't familiar with. Here is a breakdown of their uses:

navigation bar

participant button Participants: Shows who the host is, who has Premium, who can add music and control the music, and the option to transter host if you are the host.

discord button Discord: Invites you to our Discord. You can learn more about our server in the FAQs article.

slash command button Slash Commands: Installs slash commands on you, or adds Rythm into your server. Learn more about slash commands in the Command List article.

settings button Settings: Shows all available client settings. Learn more in the Settings article.

Now Playing Panel​

now playing view

like-button Like: Adds the song into your Liked songs list.

rewind-button Rewind: Resets the progress of the current song for everyone. Available with Premium.

pause-button Pause: Pauses the current song for everyone. Available with Premium.

unpause-button Resume: Resumes the current song for everyone. Available with Premium.

skip-button Skip: Skips to the end of the song and immediately tries to go to the next. Available with Premium.

mute button Volume On: Shows that the volume on your side is currently on. Click to mute the audio.

unmute-button Volume Off: Shows that the volume on your side is currently off. Click to unmute the audio.

volume slider Volume slider: Adjusts how loud or soft the audio is for yourself.

visualizer Visualizer: Turns on music visualizer in the background. Learn more in the Visualizer article.

music search view

explicit icon Explicit: The song has language or art that is deemed sexual, violent, or offensive in nature. You need to enable Allow Explicit in the Settings to play explicit songs.

like button Like: Adds the song into your Liked songs list.

add song button Add song: Adds the song into the queue. Requires Premium and the Add Music permission to be given.

Still confused?

Visit our Discord server and our team will assist.